Eschatological Being

Eschatological Being
Vertical Particularity meets Horizontal Universalities

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Last Wednesday, a 51 year old husband, father, son, church and community leader lost his valiant battle to recover from complications from open heart surgery. Rob was one of those leaders that was always present at any event, providing his quiet leadership and assistance. He never drew attention to himself, but always did things for others with an earnestness and humility. Therefore, we were amazed today to see the sanctuary of our church, overflowing with those who came to celebrate his life at his memorial. There were well over 450 people, the largest memorial the church could remember. It really should not have surprised us, that was just the kind of guy Rob was.

At the reception to follow, the line snaked around the church campus, with people wanting to express their condolences to Rob's widow Sherrie. For two hours they came, sharing hugs and stories with Sherrie. You could see that Sherrie received so much comfort from their words and actions.

During those two hours, I stood near Sherrie, dressed still in my robe and stole from the memorial service. I did it partially because I was worried if she could make it through; so I was there to give her brief and occasional respites with a drink of water. But I also did it for another reason.

In all the church committee meetings that I have attended over the past year and a half, Rob was the only person, who would stand up when I walked in the room. It was a way for him to show me respect and honor. At first I was embarrassed, after all I was not used to such kindness, but then I came to draw strength from it. So on the day of his memorial, I stood next too his widow, in my robe and stole, in honor and respect to Rob.

In the church we often talk about how much better the world would be if we just showed more of Christ's love to others. I wonder what kind of world it would be if we just showed each other a little more love in the form of honoring each other as made in the image of Christ? I think that is what Rob taught me, and I think the world is a better place because of him, I know I am a better person.

Monday, December 1, 2008