Eschatological Being

Eschatological Being
Vertical Particularity meets Horizontal Universalities

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hokokuji Temple Kamakura

The Bamboo Temple

Established in 1334, Tengan Eko was founding priest of this Rinzai Zen Buddhist Temple.  Better known by his Budhhist name, Butsujo Zenji, was a part of the Five Mountains Zen Literary Movement and many of his writings are National Treasures.

Hokokuji was the Ashikaga and then Uesugi Family Temple with many Yagura (burial caves) of famous family members.

There are many gorinto (five tiered memorials - see picture below) that were dedicated to the warriors involved in the 1333 Kamakura battles that saw the end of the Kamakura shogunate and the eventual rise of the Ashikaga shogunate.

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